Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some St. Paul Press!

My (Anna's) father-in-law called this morning to excitedly report, "I heard there is a great article about your book today on the cover of the 'life' section in the paper!"

Indeed there is. Carol did an excellent interview with the Pioneer Press, St. Paul's biggest newspaper. Click here to read.

And who is that couple illustrated on the front page accompanying the article? We'll never tell. But the couple does live in St. Paul and were a hoot to interview. Happy parents, indeed!


Anonymous said...

Not just the cover of the Life even got the front page masthead! Woo-hoo!

Edgington said...

Great work. We plug your book every chance we get. Everyone should have a love like this!

Claire Kayser said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Yes, I saw and read that morning, and it was GREAT! Way to go Carol and Anna!

Anna, hope things are great in KY for you. We miss you!
