Sunday, November 22, 2015

Revving back up the Happy Couple Blog: 0 to 60 in 2016!

Well, folks -- I'm back! Sorry about that necessary little blogging-break. It's time, I hope you'll agree, to rev back up the conversation here on the happy couple blog. My plan: Starting January 1 you can expect at least 1 post per week ... and maybe even more?! (Woot!) There's much to discuss, including a book on families in the digital age (all 503 pages) I just edited and published (yep, lots to share from the 22 chapters and 47 authors who contributed their cutting-edge research about couples, families, adolescents, emerging adults, and the dynamics of relating in the landscape of social media). There's much to discuss about a new little TV gig that's been fun to co-develop with CBS here in Minneapolis/St. Paul this past year. And there's so much to consider, share, and explore given the cool research coming on the scene this past year. Holy moly ... I'm getting all revved up just thinking about all the stuff you and I need to discuss! Okay, then, I'll see y'all back here--at the good old WHCD blog--in just a little over a month.

Until then, choose happiness.


Kates said...


Unknown said...

>>> Best Romantic Place 2016

>>> Best Lovely parson 2016

>>> Best Romantic Scene 2016

>>> Best Cute Couple 2016

>>> Best Romantic Movie 2016

rani kumari said...

wow very nice...

OskarAndBianka said...

Very interesting article !!!
This information will be useful for sure!
look a this -

sandra barfinder said...

If you are suffering from pain and sorrow for being done with your ex . if you are desperate to regain it .And if you're really ready to become the woman he will not be able to resist ...So this may be the most important letter you will read. Here's why.
You can regain your man back. You can do it in 7 days from now. And this system works, no matter how complicated your situation is .You still love your ex. But all he says is "It's not you, it's me"I know things are not easy for you. You do not understand the behavior of your ex or the things he says now. You are super confused and need a solution.
Look, let's face it. None of the advice you get from your friends is working, right?
And you know that not so simple "overcome the end" as everyone says.
THE PAIN OF NOT BEING WITH HIM IS SIMPLY TOO MUCH Well, hold on to your seat because there is now a revolutionary system that you can use to make sure your ex wants to be with you again ... Even though it was a terrible ending .
Imagine you could create such pleasant conditions that a man would do anything - even get down on his knees and ask him to marry him - just to keep you always by his side. Dr sharaja the spell caster is here to help and assist in getting your ex back in your can contact him Dr