Monday, June 2, 2008

Short Leash Indeed

My (Anna's) friend Tom emailed me this article today: I can't stop thinking about it, so I thought I'd share it with all of you. Inspired by a recent NY Times article about a Buddhist couple who, in their ten years of marriage, have never been more than 15 feet apart, another happily married couple decided to give it a whirl. The article details their one day experiment of being 15 feet apart or less. My favorite part was when Dave wrote, "We're only 8 feet apart—way within the rules—but I can't see her. It freaks me out. I've been looking at her nonstop for nine hours: Not seeing her for five minutes makes me jittery. What's she doing over there?"

It might not be practical for us to do this every day, but it might be an interesting experiment for couples to try. My husband and I live in a pretty small house, so there are days when we are approximately 15 feet apart the whole day. That said, being at work or school together EVERY day, all day would be a whole different story. Maybe we'll have to try it out! Hunny .... ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From 6/5/08. The book review is a weekly installment on the caffection blog. We preview books that we feel are relevant to couples who are married to their best friend. What Happy Couples Do by co-authors Carol J. Bruess, Ph.D, & Anna D.H. Kudak, M.A. is a simple picture/maxim book that is well conceived, well paced, and filled with uplifting anecdotal information about happy couples and the joy they've discovered to, as the authors say, "form enduring bonds between two life partners." Through personal, shared anecdotes, the book addresses issues as serious as being newlyweds, to pet names (little sausage?), to being the captain of your relation--ship. The only drawback we found with the book was that it's too short, but a caffected marriage is, too, so...
Available from Fairview Press.